What is keeping you from being "great"? Is it that you don't have the time to pursue your dreams? Are your finances keeping you from developing your ideas? Or, is it the people around you keeping you from fully tapping into your talent? The answer is none of the above! We can make a lot of excuses for not moving forward in life but they all normally come down to two words: Risk and Rejection.
Chasing your dreams, developing your ideas and tapping into your talent all require risk. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but risk doesn't travel alone. She has a BFF and her name is rejection. OUCH! Does this mean we shouldn't try new things, take on new challenges and pursue the American dram? No, it doesn't. It means that if you are going to be one of those successful professionals who goes the distance, regardless of your course, then you have to take the two Rs together: take some risks and deal with some rejection.
Rejection is not all bad. The difficulty is not in being turned down, but in how you respond to being turned down. Just because you didn't get the job you wanted, were denied a pay raise or passed over for a promotion doesn't mean you don't have what it takes. Instead of giving up, use rejection to propel you forward. First, when you are rejected, remember that when one door closes, another one will open. Second, when you are rejected, consider that the heavens are watching out for you and there is a good reason your path has been averted. Finally, when you are rejected, never, ever give up. Sometime it pays to try again, and again, and again....do you get my drift?
The moral of the story...to move forward, to get better and grow bigger we must learn to overcome the fear and pain of Risk and Rejection.
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