Saturday, December 10, 2011

Put Your Money Where Your Talent Is

In today's ever changing and competitive workforce having talent is not enough. Just because you are aware of your strengths doesn't mean you are able to effectively apply them to the workplace. Strengths and talents must be nurtured and pruned. Tomorrow’s leaders need role models, mentors and learning opportunities.

This is not new information you say? Professional development is an enormous industry and everywhere you turn, organizations and associations are offering certificate programs, certifications and institutes that help prepare the leaders of tomorrow. However, many of us do not take advantage of these opportunities until our employer will cover the expenses or reimburse us.  Inevitably, we are placing our professional futures in the hands of our bosses and human resources departments.

Let's stop and think about this. We work for companies that can at any moment let us go, regardless of how long or how hard we worked while employed. We work for bosses that may or may not see our talents or seek to help us meet our professional goals. And, we are aware of the new mantra that today's professionals must have multiple streams of income and be proactive managers of their own careers. And yet we still wait for others to invest in our future by sending us to conferences, paying for our association memberships and funding our professional development activities.

If today's professional has to be a judicious manager of your career it is important to understand that this includes planning and even funding your own career development when possible. Don't wait for someone else to see your worth or for the budget to increase. Be your own manager, seek out and fund your own professional development opportunities by putting your money where your mouth is.