Do you make good use of your time at work and personally? In todays market being intelligent and having strong interpersonal skills are not enough to get ahead. Today's professional must know how to accomplish a lot of things with little time. This means that the new "soft skill" you need to succeed is time management.
In fact, time management and career advancement go hand-in-hand. Why? Because, in order to advance your career you must set goals. In order to accomplish your goals you must set deadlines. And, in order to meet your deadlines you have to manage your time well.
Time management doesn't mean living a rigid life full of schedules and check lists. In my opinion, time management is very personal. You have to decide for yourself what tools and techniques work to keep you focused and on schedule. More important, managing time well means being aware of time stealers.
Time stealers are those little activities in your day that distract your from the important tasks. For a few it's surfing the net, for some it's too much TV and for others it's texting. Do you notice the trend? Time stealers are fun! Chances are if they were boring we wouldn't allow them to steal our time.
With four months left in the year, it's time to re-evaluate how you manage your TIME. Eliminate the time stealers from your day. If they can't be eliminated, place boundaries on them so that you are in control. Your career advancement depends on your time management.
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